Skaleet, agile technology to launch new credit products 🚀

June 13, 2023

The credit sector faces several challenges: constantly changing regulations, growing demand, and disruptions in the financial markets... Credit players want to answer loan requests and provide their customers with quality service as fast as possible while minimizing risk. However, they need help creating new products and adapting existing offerings. Such projects can take months to complete due to a monolithic IT system that could be more agile and scalable.

Credit players: the need for technological modernization 🔝

Today, many lenders understand the importance of designing agile, innovative financial products to remain competitive in a constantly evolving market. However, they face a significant obstacle: the widely used Core Banking Systems have yet to be adapted to the sector's changing needs.

Because of their architecture and infrastructure, Core Banking Systems hamper the ability of credit players to evolve and offer new services. These monolithic systems are rigid and slow to change, which creates serious difficulties: product offerings based on Core Banking Systems are particularly complex to modify and customize to meet new use cases. Faced with these challenges, the credit industry is at a strategic turning point. They need to rethink their approach and adopt a modular approach to maintain their agility and remain competitive.

Fortunately, Core Banking Platforms technology now allows them to integrate innovative products and technology partners for greater agility, responsiveness, and market differentiation. Lenders can draw on more flexible and scalable technological solutions by opting for a modular approach. New functionalities and services can be implemented rapidly while adapting to regulatory requirements. This modular architecture also enables them to enrich their product offering, offer more personalized customer experiences and stand out from the competition.

Credit: rely on an agile, scalable Core Banking Platform 🥷

Core Banking Platforms are designed using a modular, agile, and scalable approach, which offers several significant advantages. Firstly, this architecture enables localized modifications to be made faster and easier to test and deploy. This means credit players can make targeted adjustments to their systems without disrupting their entire technological infrastructure. This flexibility enhances configurability and scalability, as it allows lenders to provide additional services via APIs, making it easier to launch new credit products.

In addition, Core Banking Platforms play an essential role in collecting the regulatory information and reports needed to demonstrate compliance with existing transactions and established credit agreements. Thanks to this centralized solution, lenders can easily access all the data regulators require. This enables them to make faster decisions while complying with regulatory requirements, resulting in a customer experience that meets the highest standards.

By exploiting the functionalities of Core Banking Platforms, credit institutions can capitalize on data to design concrete, relevant offers. These platforms provide a consolidated, accurate view of all the information needed to establish new products and services. Drawing on this in-depth knowledge, lenders can develop offers tailored to the specific needs of their customers and propose innovative solutions that respond to market challenges.

Thanks to the combination of actionable data and advanced technologies, Core Banking Platforms offer credit institutions the opportunity to deliver rapid innovation. Using these platforms, lenders can rapidly develop and implement new functionalities, provide personalized services and anticipate changing customer expectations. This enables them to stand out in a competitive market and stay at the forefront of innovation!

Skaleet is the ideal partner for credit institutions! 💳

Skaleet has developed a next-generation Core Banking Platform based on a modular, API-based architecture to meet the challenges of scalability and innovation in the credit sector. This cloud-native, scalable SaaS platform meets the need for adaptability in a constantly evolving environment.

First and foremost, this solution saves you time. Skaleet's Core Banking Platform automates the management of complex, non-differentiating aspects of your business, allowing you to focus on higher value-added tasks, such as designing distinctive new products and improving customer experiences.

Moreover, you benefit from a catalog of APIs and Best-of-Breed solutions. Skaleet offers you the possibility of building your customized solution according to your specific needs and enriching it with adapted functionalities. All products and services can be integrated, giving you unrestricted innovation freedom.

Finally, Skaleet lets you accelerate your time-to-market. Thanks to a robust, scalable microservices-based architecture, you can develop new credit products quickly and independently. Skaleet's agile technology enables you to benefit from a Time-to-Market up to 4 times faster than the market average. This means you can design modern credit services and adapt quickly to market changes!


By harnessing the benefits of new technologies, credit players can improve their operational agility, responsiveness to change, and competitive differentiation. To help them achieve this, Skaleet has developed a new-generation Core Banking Platform that meets the industry's demands for scalability and innovation. This agile technology enables you to launch new credit products in just 3 to 4 months! Want to find out more? Contact us now!

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