Gender Equality Index
What does this index entail?
As every year, companies with more than 50 employees publish their Gender Equality Index on March 1st, focusing on gender pay equality.
In accordance with Decree No. 2019-15 of January 8, 2019, the index must be calculated based on 4 to 5 indicators (depending on the company's size). It provides a score out of 100 points. Each company must achieve a minimum of 75/100. If a company does not surpass this threshold, it has three years to achieve compliance; otherwise, it may be subject to sanctions of up to 1% of its payroll.
- Reduce pay gaps (in %) by at least 2 points and achieve a minimum score of 35/40.
- Reduce the number of underrepresented gender employees among the 10 highest earners and reach a minimum of 2 employees of the underrepresented gender, resulting in a score of 1.
The 4 measurement indicators:
- The pay gap between women and men in comparable positions and age groups;
- Discrepancies in individual raises;
- Raises upon return from maternity leave;
- Gender distribution among the ten employees with the highest salaries.
In accordance with the provisions of the Avenir Law of September 5, 2018, aimed at eliminating gender pay gaps, Skaleet has published this data.
Gender Pay Equality: a score of 88/100 for Skaleet
Skaleet achieved a score of 88/100 for the year 2024.
Here is the breakdown of scores by indicators:
- For the indicator related to the pay gap: 33/40
- For the indicator related to the gap in individual raise rates: 35/35
- For the indicator related to the percentage of employees who received a raise in the year following their maternity leave: 15/15
- For the indicator related to the number of underrepresented gender employees among the 10 highest earners: 0/10
Skaleet's Social Responsibility
Skaleet strictly respects fundamental human rights, as well as labor laws and workers' rights. We also prioritize contributing to SDG 5 "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls" and SDG 8 "Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all."
1. Promoting Stable and Sustainable Employment
Following our fundraising efforts, we have created numerous positions in addition to our initial workforce. From an initial workforce of 29 people at the end of 2020, we hired over 20 additional employees in 2021, and many positions are still open for recruitment in 2023.
We ensure that our employees have job stability by designating all employees as managers and offering only indefinite-term employment contracts. Skaleet employees' salaries are determined in accordance with the Syntec collective agreement, which we follow, as well as the realities of the job market and our sector; they are also equal between men and women.
Our employees can receive training upon request from their managers and are annually reassessed for salary increases based on their goal achievements. We continuously listen to their needs for career progression or changes to their roles, discussing these potential needs during their annual reviews.
We regularly offer internships, mainly end-of-studies internships, to potentially extend offers of employment after the internship period, promoting youth employment and their integration into the job market. However, we strictly adhere to the 15% workforce proportion to determine the maximum number of interns within a given period.
2. Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Principle
We prohibit any discrimination based on disability, gender, nationality, or age. This imperative applies during the recruitment of new employees, evaluating all received applications. It also applies to retention, based solely on job requirements, skills (soft and hard skills), and results. Skaleet also prioritizes gender equality. The percentage of women in our workforce has increased from 14% in 2020 to 21% in 2021. Our internal regulations highlight the prohibition of moral and sexual harassment, as well as sexist behavior, and outline the procedure to follow in case of such occurrences. We also strongly condemn child labor and forced labor, ensuring the same for our partners.
3. Employee Well-being at Work
We strictly adhere to legislative and regulatory texts to implement decent working conditions for all employees. We consider provisions regarding working hours, mandated rest periods, parental leave, and paid time off. Measures to preserve the health and safety of our employees are outlined in our various internal regulations and charters, which are communicated to all employees.
- Employee Benefits
We cover 50% of our employees' transportation costs. They are also covered by the Alan health insurance and receive restaurant vouchers through the Swile company, which we cover at 60%. Additionally, we allocate 400€ to all our employees so they can equip themselves with the necessary tools for remote work.
- Remote Work and Flex Office
Following the Covid crisis, we had to implement widespread remote work. This approach proved effective, prompting us to establish a remote work policy after the crisis. We allow all employees to work remotely for 2 to 3 days per their choice. Some employees permanently work remotely, either by pre-arranged choice before hiring and when conditions permit or due to relocation. Remote work can save time for some employees in terms of commute, and it can be advantageous in balancing work and personal life. It can also lead to increased efficiency for some by avoiding interruptions from colleagues. In light of our growing workforce, we have introduced a flex office policy. Employees have access to sit-stand desks for more comfortable work. They also benefit from various spaces, including meeting rooms, open spaces, private offices, a kitchen, etc., allowing them to choose the most suitable environment for each task.
- Transparency
At Skaleet, we emphasize individual accountability and progression within roles. We have a horizontal management structure, meaning each employee reports to a single manager and is in direct contact with our co-founders, who are the CEO and a board member of the company, respectively. Each employee is also involved and informed about company advancements. Every Thursday, Hervé Manceron (CEO) shares updates from various teams and contracts with all employees. Similarly, a presentation is provided to relay discussions and decisions from board meetings.